




王增亮,男,汉族,甘肃张掖人,中共党员,博士,讲师。博士毕业于重庆大学伟德BETVlCTOR1946在线登录平台。主要研究方向:桩基础冲刷及其承载特性研究; 桩-土相互作用等。近年来参与国家重大仪器研制项目、国家自然科学基金项目、重庆市杰青等多个项目。在《Computers and Geotechnics》,《Canadian Geotechnical Journal,《International Journal of Geomechanics》及《中国公路学报》等国内外顶尖期刊发表多篇SCI/EI论文,申请国家发明专利7项。











[1] 国家重大科研仪器研制项目,多功能透明土模型试验系统研制,2021.01-2025.12,902万元,参与

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,现浇X形桩群桩沉桩挤土效应与复合地基承载变形时效机理研究,2020.01-2023.12,60万元,参与

[3] 重庆市杰青项目,山区泥石流条件下流固耦合效应及桩基础等结构承载变形演化机理,2021.01-2023.09,50万元,参与


[1] Zengliang Wang, Hang Zhou, Franza A, et al. Numerical evaluation of scour effects on lateral behavior of pile groups in clay[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 150: 104913. (SCI, Q1,Top,2022年9月期刊精选推广论文)

[2] Zengliang Wang, Hang Zhou, Brian Sheil, et al. Numerical investigation of the lateral response of pile groups in sand under local scour conditions[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023, 159: 105435. (SCI, Q1, 2023川渝科技学术论文三等奖)

[3] Zengliang Wang, Hang Zhou. Influence of Scour Depth on Pile Group with Complex Configuration in Clay. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 2023: 789-797. (EI)

[4] Hang Zhou, Zengliang Wang, et al. Undrained cylindrical and spherical cavity expansion in elasticviscoplastic soils. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 58.10 (2021): 1543-1557. (SCI, 岩土顶刊)

[5] Hang Zhou, Zengliang Wang, Hanlong Liu. Ultimate Lateral Pressure of Circular Pile in Undrained Clay Considering the Strength Reduction Induced by Pile Installation. International Journal of Geomechanics, 22.4 (2022): 04022012. (SCI, ASCE)

[6] Hanlong Liu, Hang Zhou, Zengliang Wang. Theoretical solution for cavity expansion in crushable soil. International Journal of Geomechanics. 21.7 (2021): 04021098. (SCI, ASCE)

[7] Hang Zhou, Hanlong Liu, Zengliang Wang. A unified and rigorous solution for quasi-static cylindrical cavity expansion in plasticity constitutive models. Computers and Geotechnics. 135 (2021): 104162. (SCI, Q1)

[8] Hang Zhou, Hanlong Liu, Zengliang Wang. A semianalytical solution for displacement controlled elliptical cavity expansion in undrained MCC soil. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 46.2 (2022): 339-373. (SCI)

[9] Hang Zhou, Hanlong Liu, Zengliang Wang. Analytical Solution for Cavity Expansion in Rate-Dependent and Strain-Softening Clay and Its Application for CPT Tests. Journal of Engineering Mechanics.147.3 (2021): 04021004. (SCI, ASCE)

[10] Hang Zhou, Hanlong Liu, Zengliang Wang. Exact Solutions for Nonlocal Steady Fully Developed Debris Flows Down Inclines. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 146.4 (2020): 04020021. (SCI, ASCE)

[11] Shaohua Zeng, Hang Zhou, Zengliang Wang. Undrained Solution for Cylindrical Cavity Expansion in Structured Clays Using a Hypoplastic Model[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2023, 23(1): 04022256. (SCI, ASCE)

[12] Jiongfeng Liang, Wanjie Zou, Zengliang Wang, et al. Compressive behavior of CFRP-confined partially encased concrete columns under axial loading[J]. Composite Structures, 2019, 229: 111479.

[13] 周航,王增亮,刘汉龙,丁选明.桩基非对称局部冲刷条件下土体应力变化解析解[J].中国公路学报,2021,34(11):72-82. (权威EI)

[14] 王增亮,周航,丁选明.桩基三维非对称局部冲刷坑条件下土体应力计算简化模型[J].土木与环境工程学报(中英文),2021,43(05):45-57. (CSCD)

[15] 周航,王增亮,申航,李籼橙.软黏土中静压桩打桩过程对土体强度和刚度影响的理论分析[J].北京工业大学学报,2021,47(07):719-727+814. (CSCD)


[1] 周航,王增亮,申航,丁选明,刘汉龙,肖杨,童龙勇,余昊. 一种用于桥墩串列桩基防冲刷NACA型注水装置及其施工方法, ZL202010067534. (发明授权)

[2] 周航,王增亮,丁选明,吴岱峰,蒋鑫,刘冒佚,唐毅,胡涛,张卢喻. 一种适用于水中群桩桩基防冲刷坑装置的施工方法, ZL 202010067532. (发明授权)

[3] 周航,王增亮,丁选明,刘汉龙,申航,童龙勇,余昊,殷峰. 一种适用于桥墩桩基防冲刷的简易环保装置及施工方法, ZL202010065956. (发明)

[4] 周航,王增亮,丁选明,刘汉龙,申航,肖杨,童龙勇,余昊. 桥梁群桩桩基防冲刷承台及其施工方法, ZL202010065951. (发明)

[5] 周航,殷峰,丁选明,王增亮,申航,余昊,陈烨. 一种基于透明土的桥梁桩基冲刷模型试验装置及方法, ZL202010109768. (发明授权)

[6] 周航,刘汉龙,童龙勇,王增亮,肖杨, 陈育民. 一种模拟注浆及盾构的多功能透明土模型试验装置, ZL202110647033. (发明授权)

[7] 周航,刘汉龙,童龙勇,丁选明,王增亮,陈志雄. 一种全自动化透明土材料制配试验装置及其使用方法, ZL202110648656. (发明授权)


[1] 国际会议International Conference on Green Building, Civil Engineering and Smart City,2022年,报告题目《Influence of Scour Depth on Pile Group with Complex Configuration in Clay

[2] 武汉 (CISMGE2023) 中国土木工程学会第十四届全国土力学及岩土工程学术大会,2023.10,分组报告,报告题目《砂土中冲刷条件下单桩基础水平承载特性研究

[3] 第五届全国环境岩土力学与工程青年学术论坛暨国际环境岩土工程学术交流研讨会,特邀报告冲刷环境下桩基础水平承载特性影响研究