




国际期刊《Energy and Buildings》《Journal of Building Engineering》,《Solar Energy》,《Case Studies in Thermal Engineering》,《Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering》等审稿人。





Song Xunxinga, Yin Wei*, Xiaoli Hao*. Controllable baffle-type exhaust-hood in home kitchen, 2024. 4. https://doi.org/10.1080/14733315.2024.2333687

Jie Han, Xinyue Li, Beiyu Li, Wei Yang, Wei Yin, You Peng, Tao Feng. Research on the influence of courtyard space layout on building microclimate and its optimal design. Energy and building. 2023.4 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.113035

Zhong Yawen, Yin Wei*, Li Yonghan, Hao Xiaoli, Zhang Shaobo, Han Qiaoyun, Duan Shuangping. Evaluation of building arrangement on natural ventilation potential in ideal building arrays. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. 2023.3. (SCI期刊). http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13467581.2023.2191680

Yonghan Li, Wei Yin*, Yawen Zhong, Mingqiao Zhu, Xiaoli Hao, Yongcun Li, Yuwen Ouyang, Jie Han. Energy Consumption of Apartment Conversion into Passive Houses in Hot-Summer and Cold-Winter Regions of China. Buildings, 2023, 13(1).(SCI期刊). https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13010168

Qiaoyun Han, Debo Lin, Xiaojie Yang, Kongqing Li, Wei Yin. Thermal Environment Control at Deep Intelligent Coal Mines in China Based on Human Factors. Sustainability, 2023, 15(4). (SCI期刊). https://doi.org/10.3390/su15043193

张浩杰, 郝小礼, 殷维, 胡锦华. 基于能耗模拟的被动房外墙保温厚度优化. 建筑热能通风空调. 2022,41(3):17-23

Xiaoli Hao, Liping Liu, Hang Tan, Yaolin Lin, Jinhua Hu, and Wei Yin. The Impacts of Greenery Systems on Indoor Thermal Environments in Transition Seasons: An Experimental Investigation. Buildings 2022, 12(5), 506. [SCI期刊]. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings12050506

Shaobo Zhang, Xiaoli Hao, Yongcun, Li, Wei Yin. Thermal performance of a simplified parallel power and refrigeration combined cycle with refrigeration as the main task. Applied Thermal Engineering. Available online 6 April 2022, 118402. [SCI期刊]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2022.118402

Zhang Zhi-Yi, Yin Wei*, Wang Tian-Wen, Adam O Donovan. Effect of cross-ventilation channel in classrooms with interior corridor estimated by CFD. Indoor and Built Environment.2022.2. [SCI期刊]. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1420326X211054341

Zhang Zhiyi, Yin Wei*, Wang Tianwen, Li Yonghan, Zhong Yawen, Zhang Guoqiang. Potential of cross-ventilation channels in an ideal typical apartment building predicted by CFD and multi-zone airflow model. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 44, Article 103408. [SCI期刊]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2021.103408

Fu Linli, Yin Wei*, Wang Tianwen, Zhang Guoqiang. Effect of the porosity the upstream building on the natural ventilation of the downstream building and the reliability of its computational fluid dynamics simulation (in English). 土木与环境工程学报(中英文) .2021, 43(1). [CSCD核心期刊]. http://dx.doi.org/10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2020.089

殷维, 郝小礼, 李永存, 张芷伊. 建环流体力学双语教学实践与分析. 建筑热能通风空调, 2021.40(10):88-91

Tian-Wen Wang, Wei Yin*, Lin-Li Fu and Zhi-Yi Zhang. Estimation model for natural ventilation by wind force considering wind direction and building orientation for low-rise building in China. Indoor and Built Environment.2020.8. [SCI期刊]. https://doi.org/10.1177/1420326X20944983

Hui Chen, Yin Wei*, Yaolin Lin*, Wei Yang*, Maria Kolokotroni,Xiaoming Chen, Xiaohong Liu, Guoqiang Zhang. Investigation on the Thermal Condition of a Traditional Cold-Lane in Summer in Subtropical Humid Climate Region of China. Energies 2020, 24(13) [SCI期刊]. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13246602

殷维, 付琳莉, 王天文, 张芷伊. 建环专业英语的中译英教学探索. 制冷与空调. 2020, 34(5):634-641

付琳莉, 殷维*, 王天文, 郝小礼, 刘何清, 张国强, 陈翚.被上游建筑遮挡的下游建筑表面风压CFD模拟的可靠性研究(中文).土木与环境工程学报(中英文), 2020, 42(1):180-190. http://dx.doi.org/10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2019.148. [CSCD核心期刊]

Yin Wei, Jie Han, Hui Chen, Zhaonan Xu, Guoqiang Zhang. Winter Indoor thermal environment investigation in apartments at a central China city and Dutch Eindhoven. PLEA2017. Edinburgh

殷维,张国强,王晓,刘婧,夏三县. Potential model for single-sided naturally ventilated buildings in China. Solar Energy, 2010, 84(9): 1595-1600. 湖南省2012年第十四届自然科学优秀学术论文一等论文奖。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2010.06.011. [SCI期刊]

殷维,张国强,杨薇,王晓. Natural ventilation potential model considering solution multiplicity, window opening percentage, air velocity and humidity in China. Building and Environment, 2010, 45(2): 338-344. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2009.06.012. [SCI期刊].

殷维,张国强,徐峰,吴加胜. 自然通风设计通用流程初探. 建筑学报,2009年第05期: 77-80. Doi:10.3969/j.issn.0529-1399.2009.05.023.

殷维,张国强,王晓. Windows dimension optimization for better thermal comfort in summer based on analytical models. Proceeding of 6th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning(ISHVAC 2009). [EI收录]

殷维,张国强. The theory and CFD analysis of buoyancy force in tiered-seating classroom. Proceeding of 1st International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2008). [ISTP收录]

殷维,张国强,周军莉,解明镜,王晓. Influences of wind force on buoyancy in the heat source strength given problem under natural ventilation in a tiered-seating classroom. Proceedings of The Fifth International Workshop on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings and The Third International Conference on Built Environment and Public Health(EERB-BEPH 2009) [ISTP收录]

覃小玲, 殷维, 彭建国,张国强等. Simulation and investigation on natural ventilation in tiered-seating classroom, Proceeding of Indoor Air 2005,2005,1(2):888-892.[ISTP收录]

殷维, 刘何清, 王卫军,何昌富, 王晓. 高温矿井巷道壁面温度变化规律调查与分析. IEHB2012会议论文集.

殷维, 邹声华, 唐友良, 张登春, 贺益华. 湖南某地表水源热泵水温调查与扩容方案分析. 制冷与空调[北京]. 2012年

殷维, 邹声华,张登春,李圣杰, 李乐. 湖南某校园建筑空调能耗调查与自然通风节能潜力分析. IEHB. 2012年

殷维, 刘何清, 尹恺杰, 邹思. 层次分析法在冷热源方案优选中的应用一例. 制冷空调[四川].2012年

殷维,覃小玲,彭建国,张国强. 夜间通风与建筑蓄热非线性耦合. 建筑热能通风空调, 2006, 25(3): 80-81,103

殷维,自然通风技术的节能原理与应用方法. 建筑热能通风空调. 2013(1):49-53

殷维, 郝小礼等. 暖通专业研究生建筑节能课程实践教学案例分析. 高等建筑教育.2014.(3):118-120

殷维, 邹声华, 贺益华. AKE WATER SURVEY AND A NEW COMPOUND WSHP SCHEME.APEC Conference on Low Carbon Town and Physical Energy Storage Proceedings. 271-274

周军莉,张国强,殷维,吴加胜. A numerical study on the effect of thermal mass in natural ventilation buildings. Proceedings of The Fifth International Workshop on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings and The Third International Conference on Built Environment and Public Health(EERB-BEPH 2009).[ISTP收录]

陈伟煌,张国强,杨薇,殷维.Using field survey data to predict the occupant behavior models of window control in summer. Proceedings of The Fifth International Workshop on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings and The Third International Conference on Built Environment and Public Health(EERB-BEPH 2009).[ISTP收录]


彭虹涛, 郝小礼, 祝明桥, 胡锦华, 殷维, 黄海林, 韩巧云, 吴致远. 一种可移动低能耗的集装箱式被动房. 授权号:ZL202222426090.3

钟雅文, 殷维, 李泳翰, 郝小礼, 李永存, 韩巧云, 胡锦华, 陈翚, 张国强. 实用新型. 一种自寻负压通风器. 授权号:ZL202220137035.X

李泳翰,殷维,钟雅文,王天文,张芷伊,郝小礼. 光伏驱动智能混合通风窗. 实用新型, 授权号:202120242622.0

张芷伊, 殷维, 王天文, 李泳翰, 钟雅文, 刘何清. 内走廊建筑的吊顶穿堂风气流通道. 实用新型, 授权号: 202120241686.9

付琳莉,殷维,王天文. 商业街区双侧动态遮阳广告板. 实用新型。授权号:ZL201920128201.8

王天文,殷维,付琳莉. 一种太阳能光伏驱动通风蒸发降温屋面. 实用新型授权号: 201920470724.0

殷维, 张国强,邹声华,郝小礼.真空层与对流层组合型节能窗及其安装使用方法.发明。授权号:201110426081.8














湖南省自然科学基金面上项目. 有孔建筑对下游建筑自然通风环境下病毒气溶胶的稀释效果 (2021JJ30269),2022-2023,省级

湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目. 上游建筑有穿堂风时下游建筑的表面风压(No.18B214), 2018-2020,省级

国家自然科学基金(青年). 内廊式多联区域自然通风流动与潜力模型(No.51308206),2013-2016,国家级

湖南科技计划一般项目. 大容量水池蓄能式矿井排风余热利用系统研发(2012SK3110),2011-2012省级


湖南省研究生科研创新项目. 气流通道对教室病毒气溶胶的稀释效果研究. (CX20200993,指导教师)。

湖南省研究生科研创新项目. 上游建筑穿堂风对下游建筑表面风压的影响. (CX20190799,指导教师)。

国家自然科学基金面上。人体在救生舱高温高湿环境下长时间生存的热反应与热适应性(51276058,2012年,排名第3) 。国家级。

国家自然科学基金面上。高温矿井制冷降温影响风流稳定性的机理研究(51274098,2012年,排名第4) 。国家级。

国家自然科学基金面上。井下高温环境人体局部冷刺激的热舒适性及个体防护机理研究(2014年,排名第3) 。国家级。



IEA-EBC Annex 80 。国际能源署,建筑能耗第80号课题:Resilient Cooling for Residential and Small Office Buildings。2018-2023

IEA-EBC Annex 79 。国际能源署,建筑能耗第79号课题:Occupant Behaviour-centric Building Design and Operation。2018-2023

IEA-EBC Annex 62 。国际能源署,建筑能耗第62号项目:IEA-EBC-Annex62-Ventilative Cooling,2014-2017。


湘潭中环水务有限公司,自来水浓缩池泥沙沉淀数值模拟与回收利用, 2022




