



黄博,博士,特聘副教授,硕士生导师,海外优秀人才。2014年获英国胡弗汉顿大学土木工程专业学士,2016年获英国曼彻斯特大学工程项目管理硕士,2021年获英国兰卡斯特大学工程专业博士学位。主要从事二维生物纳米材料增强水泥基以及复合材料增强性能UHPC、绿色超高性能混凝土微结构与水化分析3D打印循环再利用混凝土的研发。主持或参与国内外项目8项。相关研究成果在《Cement and Concrete Composites》、《Composites Part B: Engineering》等SCI刊物发表16篇,申请发明专利/软著7项。指导学生国际/国内竞赛获奖等8项。


【1】 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目,B32325,2D植物纳米纤维-水泥基复合材料的强韧化机制研究,2023/01-2025/12,在研,主持。

【2】 伟德BETVlCTOR1946在线登录平台海外优秀人才项目,E522A4,植物纳米纤维改性水泥基复合材料,2023/01-2027/12,在研,主持。

【3】 欧盟地平线计划2020玛丽居里学者基金799658_B-SMART源自食物垃圾的生物材料,作为为下一代多功能建筑基础设施设计环保,智能和高性能水泥复合材料的绿色途径, 2018/09-2020/09, 完结,参与。

【4】 欧盟地平线计划2020安全欧盟765057可持续,可访问,安全,有弹性和智能的城市路面,2018/03-2022/02, 完结,参与。

【5】 英国皇家学会,IEC\NSFC\191350利用智能混凝土实现建筑的低碳供暖和制冷, 2020/03-2022/03, 完结,参与。


【1】 Huang, B., Chi, Y*., Wang, J., Wang, G., Ye, J., Whale, E., Hepworth, D., Ye, J. and Saafi, M*.,2023. Mechanical and fracture properties of sugar beetroot-based nanosheets (SNS) doped cementitious composites. Construction and Building Materials, 409, p.133926.

【2】 Huang, B., Chi, Y*., Almotlaq, T., Wang, J., Saafi, M*., Ye, J., Sun, J., Wang, Y. and Ye, J., 2023. Influence of sugar beetroot microsheets on the hydration kinetics of cementitious composites: Electrochemical characterization. Cement and Concrete Composites, p.105314.

【3】 Huang, B*., Wang, J*., Piukovics, G., Zabihi, N., Ye, J., Saafi, M*. and Ye, J., 2023. Hybrid cement composite-based sensor for in-situ chloride monitoring in concrete structures. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 385, p.133638.

【4】 Sun, J., Tang, W., Wang, Y., Yao, X., Huang, B., Saafi, M. and Wang, X., 2023. Electromagnetic and mechanical performance of 3D printed wave-shaped copper solid superstructures. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 27, pp.6936-6946.

【5】 Amaechi, C.V., Adefuye, E.F., Kgosiemang, I.M., Huang, B. and Amaechi, E.C., 2022. Scientometric Review for Research Patterns on Additive Manufacturing of Lattice Structures. Materials, 15(15), p.5323.

【6】 Chi, Y*., Huang, B., Saafi, M*., Fullwood, N., Lambert, C., Whale, E., Hepworth, D. and Ye, J., 2021. 2D bio-based nanomaterial as a green route to amplify the formation of hydrate phases of cement composites: Atomistic simulations and analytical characterization. Construction and Building Materials, 299, p.123867.

【7】 Huang, Z*., Liang, T., Huang, B, zhou, Y. and Ye, J. 2021. Ultra-lightweight high ductility cement composite incorporated with low PE fiber. Construction and Building Materials, 312, p.125430.

【8】 Chi, Y*., Huang, B., Saafi, M*., Ye, J. and Lambert, C., 2020. Carrot-based covalently bonded saccharides as a new 2D material for healing defective calcium-silicate-hydrate in cement: Integrating atomistic computational simulation with experimental studies. Composites Part B: Engineering, 199, p.108235.

【9】 Hasan, H., Huang, B., Saafi, M*., Sun, J., Chi, Y., Whale, E., Hepworth, D. and Ye, J., 2019. Novel engineered high performance sugar beetroot 2D nanoplatelet-cementitious composites. Construction and Building Materials, 202, pp.546-562.

【10】 Saafi, M*., Gullane, A., Huang, B., Sadeghi, H., Ye, J. and Sadeghi, F., 2018. Inherently multifunctional geopolymeric cementitious composite as electrical energy storage and self-sensing structural material. Composite Structures, 201, pp.766-778.


【1】 Huang, B, Wang J and Saafi, M*. Hybrid cement composite-based sensor for in-situ chloride monitoring in concrete structures, 2023 Lancaster University Postgraduate Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 21st May 2023.

【2】 Huang, B. EMMC18 18th European Mechanics of materials conference, Oxford University, UK, 4th -6th April, 2022,

【3】 Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. Development of new lightweight aggregate through Brine purification mud and washed plant sand, Postgraduate Research Conference 2021, Lancaster University, UK, 17th July 2021

【4】 Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. Exploration and Enlightenment of the Teaching Mode different between UK and China, Lancaster University 2021 Education Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 7th -8th July 2021

【5】 Huang, B, Development of Bio-Engineered Cementitious Composites for Sustainable Construction, The 2020 Adam Neville PhD Prize in Cement and Concrete, University of Leeds, UK, 19th November 2020.

【6】 Huang, B, 25th IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC'19) organising assistant, Lancaster University, UK, 5th -7th September 2019

【7】 Huang, B, Saafi, M*, Chi, Y and Ye J. Hydration of Bio-Engineered Cementitious Composites (2D Sugar beetroot nanoplatelets), The 22nd International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS22) and 1st Chinese conference on composite structures (CCCS1), Wuhan University, China, 31st October 3rd November 2019.

【8】 Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. Investigating the cementitious composite drying behaviour through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis, 2018 Lancaster University international Postgraduate Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 18th May 2019.

【9】 Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. The influence of bio-nanoplatelet(BNP) additions on the performance of cement paste, 2018 Lancaster University international Postgraduate Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 12th May 2018.

【10】 Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. Development of smart cementitious composites for sustainable and resilient infrastructure systems, Lancaster University Engineering Department Postgraduate Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 5th -6th July 2017.


【1】 黄博,张文龙,汪建群,崔二江,王娟。用于检测混凝土中氯离子浓度的聚合物传感器及使用方法,专利号:CN202211692338.9,发明公开

【2】 黄博,余意,张文龙,汪建群,张宗堂袁帅华。CNS 水泥基压电极化传感器及其使用方法申请号:202311378193.X,发明初审合格

【3】 黄博,廖亚玲,汪建群李雨桐周聪王洋,谷泽文。CNS 水泥基压电极化传感器及其使用方法申请号:202311734810.5,发明受理

【4】 黄博,汪建群,李志鹏刘畅,彭刚,燕飞一种多壁碳纳米管/植物纳米纤维片水泥基复合材料及其制备方法申请号202311857035.2,发明受理

【5】 周瀚泽,汪建群,李璟楠,崔二江,王娟,彭岩洛,张文龙,张扬柱,黄博,周聪,张鹄志,袁帅华。一种环氧钢筋腐蚀等级的评估方法,专利号:CN202211613346.X,发明公开。

【6】 张文龙,汪建群,周瀚泽,彭岩洛,黄博,罗许国,袁帅华。一种考虑温湿度变化的混凝土拉伸与压缩徐变测试装置,专利号:CN202222753137.7,实用新型。


【1】 2023年指导李志鹏等同学立项伟德BETVlCTOR1946在线登录平台大学生创新创业训练计划(SIT)

【2】 2023年指导李雨桐等同学立项伟德BETVlCTOR1946在线登录平台学生科研创新计划(SRIP)

【3】 2023年指导詹欣等同学获得伟德BETVlCTOR1946在线登录平台第十届结构设计竞赛二等奖1项

【4】 2023年共同指导李文杰等同学获得第九届全国高校BIM毕业设计创新大赛全国优秀奖

【5】 2020年指导Dan完成校企项目:水泥浆和砂浆中使用回收泡沫和聚酯纤维添加剂

【6】 2020年指导Thomas完成校企项目:胡萝卜2D纳米片增强新型高性能工程水泥复合材料


【1】 2023年湖南省交通建设工程试验检测协会C类青年专家

【2】 2021-2023年度湘潭市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖

【3】 2023年澳大利亚苏州-维多利亚研创中心特聘专家

【4】 2022年中国公路水运工程试验检测师(交通运输部)

【5】 2021年兰卡斯特大学兰卡斯特金奖(最佳毕业生)(Lancaster Award - Gold)

【6】 2020年英国最佳混凝土研究领域最佳博士学位奖项亚当-内维尔奖(2020 Adam Neville PhD Prize for the national PhD)

【7】 英国高等教育协会(HEA)认证研究员(Associate Teacher Program)

【8】 2018年兰卡斯特大学优秀学生大使与全球宣传大使(Lancaster University student ambassador and Global promoting ambassador)





